Saturday, November 24, 2007

Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory

Holy Souls in Purgatory, is there anything you regret when you think of your life on earth?
I deeply regret the little amount of charity I have shown towards the Poor Souls during my life on earth... I could have been of such great service to them, bring them so much light and peace. I could have helped them by my prayers, mortification's, alms, good works, holy Communions. I could have had Masses said for the Poor Souls or attended them, especially those celebrated in honor of the Sacred Heart. I would have obtained numerous graces which would have made it easier for me to avoid sin. Moreover, I would have deserved a much shorter and less painful Purgatory and now I would receive a much greater share in the prayers which are said for us.
Oh, could I but return to the world to help the Poor Souls! I certainly would interest myself in their plight! What devout prayers would I say for them! How solicitous I would be to awaken in the faithful the most tender sympathy and pity for them!
from "Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory"
published by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

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