Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory

Holy Souls in Purgatory, is there anything you regret when you think of your life on earth?
I deeply regret the evil which I have done. Evil seemed so easy, pleasant; and I silenced the voice of conscience. Today my faults weigh me down; their bitterness and memory torment me. Mortal sins, forgiven, but not atoned, venial sins, imperfections. Too late to detest you now. Punishment must take its course.
Oh, if I could return to life again! No promise, be it ever so tempting, no riches, no flattery, could induce me to sin.
My friends, you who are still free to choose between God and the world, gaze on the crown of thorns, the cross, all the sufferings which your sins have brought. Think of the sorrow which these sins and faults will cause you in Purgatory, and you will be able to avoid them.
If you long for the grace to resist Satan when he tempts you , consider what St. Margaret Mary says: "I cannot believe that persons consecrated to this divine Heart will ever be lost; neither do I believe that they will fall into the hands of Satan by committing a mortal sin, after having given themselves entirely to Him. For they will make every effort to honor, love and glorify this divine Heart, and to follow His designs."

from "Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory:
published by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

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