Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory

Holy Souls in Purgatory, is there anything you regret when you think of your life on earth?
I deeply regret my neglect of so many splendid graces! They have been offered to me in such abundance, at every moment of my life and with such loving admonitions... Spiritual regeneration, vocation and sacraments; word of God, holy inspirations and good examples; graces to protect me in danger, to help me in temptations; the grace of forgiveness for my sins. Some of them I have refused; others I have accepted with coldness; unfortunately, I have misused so many of them. I preferred earthly possessions to the eternal. How I have deceived myself!
Oh, could I but for one moment quench my thirst at the fountains of mercy, flowing from the Heart of Christ. You, you behold the inexhaustible stream of graces flow by, why do you not draw from it a few drops for yourself?
Consider what St. Margaret Mary says: "It is certain that everyone on earth could obtain salutary graces without number, if they but had a grateful love for Jesus Christ, such as is seen in those who love and venerate His Sacred Heart."
from "Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory"
published by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

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