Sunday, November 18, 2007

Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory

Holy Souls in Purgatory, is there anything you regret when you think of your life on earth?
I deeply regret wasted time!... Purchased with the Blood of Christ, you were given to me for the purpose of loving God and others. But I abused you by committing sin; I craved vanity, pleasures and trifles. How it grieves me to have lost you through my own fault! Fleeting time!... Time which passes so quickly on earth, but which drags so slowly in this purification! How long shall my exile last? Hours now seem like years, days like centuries. I must now redeem the wasted time. Irretrievable time!... On earth I relied on my last years to do penance; but my life was ended when I expected it least! The time given to acquire treasures and graces without number, are now lost forever.
You, living on earth, do not waste the gift of time; do not imitate our carelessness.
Through devotion to the Sacred Heart, who has revealed to the world His love in its fullness intercede for us that we may obtain the merits of His grace so freely and abundantly offered.
from "Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory"
published by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

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