Wednesday, June 06, 2007

God Is Near Us

I just got "God Is Near Us" by Pope Benedict XVI. It's about the Eucharist. I'm excited about reading it but a little nervous too. I'm afraid it might be beyond my levels of comprehension. From what I understand, the Holy Father is uber-smart. Will post more later.


Brad Harvey said...

You`ll do just fine! Post a review when you finish it.

Spooky said...

Thanks! I read a little bit last night and I can tell it's going to be one of those books one refers to over and over again.

Simon-Peter Vickers-Buckley said...

It won't be beyond you. When the Holy Father was a seminary professor he used to rehearse his lectures in front of his sister, Maria.

If she couldn't understand him he'd change it all.

Simon-Peter Vickers-Buckley said...

Okay, so how are you finding it?