Monday, May 02, 2011


About 15 years ago, my mother suggested I might suffer from ADD. I didn't think much of it. Recently, during a psych eval ordered by the court due to my custody battle for my daughter, the doctor asked me "has anyone mentioned you might have ADHD?" I was a little taken aback. So, the interwebs being all knowing I took this little test and these were my results:

Results of your
Attention Deficit Disorder Quiz

You scored a total of 87

 S C O R I N G   K E Y
 If you scored...
You may have...
70 & up
50 - 69
35 - 49
25 - 34
0 - 24
Adult ADHD
Moderate ADHD
Borderline ADHD
No ADHD likely

I think I'll print this out and show my doc...


Jovan-Marya Weismiller, T.O.Carm. said...

Spooks, I was diagnosed adult ADD several years ago. Be sure you follow up on this!

In Christ our King,

Jovan (From Fisheaters)

Jovan-Marya Weismiller, T.O.Carm. said...


I was diagnosed adult ADD several years ago. Be sure you follow up on this. Difference is that I told my mother. Her reaction? 'Well, that might explain some of the problems I had with you as a kid!'

In Christ our King

Jovan (from Fisheaters)