I customized this card adding his name |

Wow, lots of stuff have happened that I just didn't have the heart to blog about. But maybe I will get back in the swing of things: Advent is over; Lent is over but now it is the Glorious Easter-tide Season! He Is Risen! He is Risen Indeed. Also, this Sunday is two-fold in importance: My precious James receives his
First Holy Communion AND it is also Divine Mercy Sunday! Thanks Be to God! We are all looking with joy towards this mementos occasion. I even printed up a homemade Prayer card for James, with a picture of a boy receiving from Jesus His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity and there is also an image of Our Lord as He appears on the Divine Mercy image. James LOVED this because he loves the Divine Mercy. He wants to go to Confession on Saturday so his soul can be "squeaky clean" (love it!). Such a wonderfully pious child! I plan on adding the prayer on the back tomorrow which will read:
My Jesus, I believe that You are truly Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to possess You within my soul. I believe because You have said it and I am ready to give my life to maintain this Truth.
And of course the date and Parish he receive. We've been practicing Communion on the Tongue since the CCD only taught about CITH (!) I reminded him in THIS family we receive on the tongue out of respect for our Lord. I also had to read over some instruction the DRE wrote up and she continually referred to the Blessed Sacrament as "bread". GAH! Parents, we MUST be vigilant in seeing to the Religious Ed of our children ESPECIALLY at your typical Novus Ordo (Ordinary Form). I even had to explain what a mortal sin was and how we should always strive to never, ever commit one and if have the misfortune of doing so to present ourselves to the Confession as soon as possible! But more importantly how receiving Our Lord is the best remedy to avoid sin. This is the child, who at 4, on a Ash Wednesday service, which was packed to the gills, including the Governor of our State, when not given a Host, loudly protested by wailing loudly "I WANT THE BODY OF PRIST!" (mispronounced "Christ"). Funny now but at the time I felt horrible, my poor child wanted Our Lord!
And so ends my update. I love that from now on all 3 of us will be able to kneel at the Altar Rail and receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament! So many graces!